redemptiveBluestocking [RB] began trolling recreantEnigma [RE]
redemptiveBluestocking [RB] ceased trolling recreantEnigma [RE]
RB: Spiyee?
RB: Spiiiiiyyyyyyyeeee.
RE: Oui? What is so important that you must interrupt my time alone?! < |
RB: Pshhh, you'r re always alone. B but not for long! Me and The Administr rator r have a job b for you!
RE: The Administrator herself? What would a midblood such as yourself have in the way of connections to The Administrator? < |
RB: Ha, ha, ver ry funny, Spy. R right, so, I'm sending you a file. Soon enough, you'r re gonna play a game with a few people.
RE: And how many people am I to play this 'game' with? < |
RB: Eight other rs, if my calculations ar re cor r r rect.
RE: I'd be a fool to believe any of this, woman. < |
RB: Oh, you'll b believe me soon. You'r re going to play the game whether you want to or not, Admin's or rder rs.
RB: Sleep well, Spiyee.