
efficiantEradicator [EE] began trolling ravishingRunner [RR]

EE: -ma(o)te-.
RR: ==Whaaaaat >:I =
EE: -stu(o)ff- is happenin.
EE: for -star(o)ters-,
EE: my lusus is -de(o)ad-.
RR: ==Ayo yo what?=
RR: ==What the fuck happened?!=
EE: thats what i wanna -kn(o)ow- too ankle biter.
EE: i think i know who -di(o)d- it though and i am not happy.
RR: ==I'm so sorry buddy=
EE: the -wan(o)ker- who did this,
RR: ==Are you going to say they'll be turned into colored rain=
EE: is going to be turned into coloured -r(o)in-.
EE: don't -inter(o)rupt- me brat.
RR: ==Heyy. it really sucks this happened. whatever you need i can help with. to cheer you up=
EE: best you can do is -fi(o)nd- me the man known as saxton haahle.
RR: ==Saxton? oh wait i actually think i know someone who knows someone who knows that guy=
EE: great. i need his -addr(o)ess-.
RR: ==Uhh. i dunno. when i said whatever you need i didn't really mean somethin' that required actual work=
EE: great well this was about as useful as i -expe(o)cted-.
EE: you're a horrible -moi(o)rail-. bye.

efficiantEradicator [EE] ceased trolling ravishingRunner [RR]

